
This is where our partners within the Omega-3 network briefly present their products and services. Click "MORE >>" for additional information about the respective network partner.

Anhalt University of Applied Science, Laboratory for Hygiene Research

Anhalt University of Applied Science, Laboratory for Hygiene Research

The Laboratory for Hygiene Research is part of the Department of Agriculture, Dietetics and Landscape Development of the Anhalt University of Applied Science at Bernburg. More than 1500 students, making the Department the largest of the university, are offered an individual academic training leading to bachelor and master degrees.


Backhaus Häussler GmbH & Co. KG

Backhaus Häussler GmbH & Co. KG

Backhaus Häussler GmbH & Co. KG has been a successful family enterprise for almost a century - four generations helped shape the company traditions. It all started in 1915 when Hermann Häußler and his family came to Osterberg and opened a small village bakery.


Bakenhus Biofleisch GmbH

Bakenhus Biofleisch GmbH

Bakenhus Biofleisch GmbH have devoted themselves to producing meat and sausage products exclusively in accordance with ecological criteria. The company is based in Großenkneten.


Biofocus LADR Gesellschaft für biologische Analytik mbH

Biofocus LADR Gesellschaft für biologische Analytik mbH

Biofocus LADR was founded in 1990 and has become a modern service company performing analyses in the fields of food analysis, water analysis and hygiene. In addition, Biofocus LADR already participated in different national and international research projects.




Goerlich Pharma GmbH was founded as early as 1984 and is an owner-operated company located southeast of Munich. Production and packaging take place on 1,500 m² - capacities have recently increased threefold due to the construction of a new large facility building. Goerlich Pharma considers itself a "full service partner".


Havenbäcker GmbH

Havenbäcker GmbH

Havenbäcker GmbH is an artisan bakery that has been deeply rooted in the local community since 1893. Everyone in Bremerhaven and its surroundings knows this tradition-rich bakery that produces high-quality bread and baked goods in a traditional way.




HL HAMBURGER LEISTUNGSFUTTER GmbH is a network partner who is crucial when it comes to developing innovation along the food production chain. HL is a leading manufacturer and supplier of specialist feeds, compound feeds, and pet food for the domestic and overseas market. The company can look back on a 130-year tradition of animal feed manufacture.


KROHN Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB

KROHN Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB

Specialising in foodstuff and animal feed laws, KROHN Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB is an important network partner when it comes to providing certainty in legal issues right from the start and avoiding development mistakes.


Lipromar GmbH

Lipromar GmbH

Lipromar GmbH, headquartered in Cuxhaven, has been producing high-quality, unmixed fish oils for the food industry from marine fish from aquaculture and fisheries since 2011. Their fish by-products mainly come from the fish processing industry.


Ökofeeding GmbH Berlin

Ökofeeding GmbH Berlin

The Ökofeeding GmbH Berlin was founded in 1990 by (former) associates of the Faculty of Agriculture of the Humboldt-University in Berlin and long-time practice partners, combining a wide range of scientific and practical experiences. The company is organised in one division concerned with business consulting services for agriculture and food industries and a second division concerned with science and qualification.


The Hamburg University of Applied Sciences

The Hamburg University of Applied Sciences

The Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, HAW) is one of the initiators of the Omega-3 network.


WALTER RAU Neusser Öl und Fett AG

WALTER RAU Neusser Öl und Fett AG

WALTER RAU Neusser Öl und Fett AG utilises a wide range of technological processes and methods to refine carefully selected plant-based raw materials into high-quality functional oils and fats.


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