Biofocus LADR Gesellschaft für biologische Analytik mbH

Biofocus LADR was founded in 1990 and has become a modern service company performing analyses in the fields of food analysis, water analysis and hygiene. In addition, Biofocus LADR already participated in different national and international research projects.

More than 20 years of experience in service analysis and research enable the highly qualified staff to constantly expand the scope of analytical methods. Generous laboratories, equipped with state-of-the-art instruments, provide enough space and technical capabilities to perform a variety of standard and specialized analytical services. For example, the determination of the fatty acid pattern to declare the nutritional values and quantify the milk fat fraction are performed routinely, but special questions such as the determination of trans fatty acids, short-chain fatty acids and omega3 fatty acids are also executed.

The entire company is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001; all analytical departments are additionally accredited according to DIN EN ISO 17025.

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