HL HAMBURGER LEISTUNGSFUTTER GmbH is a network partner who is crucial when it comes to developing innovation along the food production chain. HL is a leading manufacturer and supplier of specialist feeds, compound feeds, and pet food for the domestic and overseas market. The company can look back on a 130-year tradition of animal feed manufacture. Fulfilling highest quality standards, they manufacture a wide range of products. As manufacturer of specialist and compound feeds, HL offers solutions for the successful feeding of livestock on agricultural holdings to customers in Germany and in over 40 countries worldwide. With their pet products, HL caters to the well-being of animals and the pleasure of pet owners. Their motivation for participation in this network is offering customers high-quality and innovative products in the light of increasing challenges in the agricultural and animal feed industry. Since 2001, HL have been using refined lineseed in their animal feed referred to as Wisan®-Lein.
Wisan®-Functional Feed
Wisan®-Lein is a specialist product made from digestible raw materials with a high lineseed content manufactured in a proprietary process at the specialist animal feed plant. Wisan®-Lein's value in animal feeding is due to its high omega-3 fatty acid content and the beneficial dietetic properties of lineseed.